Index of Text Files for FAS

Here is a list of the text files I have that relate to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and alcohol effects in general. These are posted here with permission of the authors.


ADHD and FAS/E Medication, Treatment and Strategies - Dr. Calvin Sumner
Adoption Subsidies Links and contacts to assist in getting subsidy
A Drink or Two A mother's response to doctor's advice?
Behavior Checklist by Deb Evensen
Conscience and Moral Development Response to concerns about lying and stealing
Diagnostic Manual how to order Clarren's Diagnostic Manual
Dr. Koop's Wisdom
Fact Sheet from NCADD from National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
FAS vs. ADHD How FAS differs from typical ADHD
Letter from the Doctor To help school meet child's needs
Rosie alcohol personified, an interesting perspective
Sample IEP Kindergarten IEP for Cameron, Danielle's son
Safe Drugs Read this if you are concerned about Ritalin
Special Education in Arizona Some resources and a few notes
Timeline for FAS/E by Diane Malbin
Tommy's Story by a foster mother
Treatment vs. Jail
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales A must for alcohol affected kids