Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Worldwide Organization to Reeducate Leaders and Decisionmakers
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FASDAY USA     FASworld Canada

Everyone participating in FAS Day is invited to share in the "Minute of Reflection" -- 9:09 a.m. on September 9, 1999, as it goes around the world. This is a magical moment in history – the ninth minute of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month of the year one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine. We want to get out the message that in the nine months of pregnancy, while breast-feeding or planning to conceive, women should not drink alcohol. In this minute, we also want the world to remember those millions of people around the world who are living with fetal alcohol disorders.

Participants can do what they like in that special minute, in order to make their own personal reflection on their own relationship to FAS, whether parent, friend, caregiver or professional, in accordance with their own cultural background or religious beliefs.

The Minute of Reflection symbolizes the worldwide circle of community which links all of us who care about FAS, all of us who are working towards prevention, all of us who are trying to help children and adults with fetal alcohol disorders reach their full potential. Here are nine suggestions for observing the Minute of Reflection. If you have other ideas, please share them with us.

1. Organize, or participate in, the Bell Concordance (See next page) .

2. Alone or with others, sit outside quietly and listen to the birds, or the wind blowing through the trees, or water lapping against the shore of a river or lake. You may want to focus on the wonderful gifts and strengths of the person (s) with FAS/E in your life.

3. Say a prayer appropriate to your beliefs or sing a song or hymn. (We're currently looking for suitable prayers, songs or hymns and would welcome suggestions.)

4. Listen to an excerpt of your favorite music. (Again, any suggestions?)

5. Play a musical instrument, alone, or with fellow musicians.

6. Sit in a circle and share some pure spring water with people you care about.

7. Place a long-distance phone call to someone who is equally committed to the FAS issue.

8. You may find 9:09 a.m. inconvenient and may prefer to mark the Minute of Reflection at 9:09 p.m., and light a candle to symbolize both the flame of your love for individuals living with FAS, and your burning desire to eradicate this preventable disease.

9. Simple silence.

Each person with FAS is different, and those of us who love them respect their differences. Respecting each other while working together is what FAS Day is about.


Ringing of the bells in churches, towers, universities, and government buildings around the world to celebrate hope of a better and brighter future as a result of raising awareness about FAS. Read about the FAS Bells Concordance here.

FAS KNOT fundraiser. This piece of knotted cord was designed in memory of Abel Dorris, 1968-1991, whose brief and poignant life resulted in the groundbreaking 1989 book about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, "The Broken Cord," written by his father, Michael Dorris, 1945-1997. Ten years later, a loving community around the world is reconnecting the broken cord, and the FAS Knot is our symbol.

Proclamation by local government that September 9, 1999 be Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day. Sample Proclamation.

Poster "Message to Mom" online, ready to print and distribute. Other posters, brochures and handouts available online.

Pregnant Pause awareness project from Prevention Counts of the Arc of New Jersey.

For more information, contact Bonnie Buxton at ogrady@axxent.ca