FAS Family Support Group
Meeting the 1st Friday of every month
(with supervised play group for the children)
Tucson, Arizona
(for information, call 520 - 296 - 9172 )

The mission of the support group is to improve the well being of persons and families in the Tucson, Arizona area who are challenged by alcohol related birth defects by providing education, information, and support which will empower individuals to succeed in life, encourage families to thrive in a healthy environment, and to spread understanding throughout the community about the special needs of persons affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol.

Our support group welcomes moms, dads, and grandparents of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) and includes birth families, foster families and adoptive families with children from tots to teens. Through mutual problem-solving and information sharing, families learn how to provide an environment for the child that is safe, happy, fun, and conducive to mental, emotional, and physical health. We help families provide the child's needs in a way that helps the child reach full potential in life.

Video tapes, audio cassettes, presentation papers, resource data, and books for parents and professionals are available for those who participate in the support group.

Topics of discussion include:

To return to FAS Community Resource Center