The Fasadopt support group mail list has reached its capacity and is not accepting new members at this time. However, a sister group has been formed for all new and prospective members. The new list is called AdoptFASD and is moderated by Claudia Barker. This is a caring, supportive list that will welcome adoptive parents raising alcohol affected children.

Join AdoptFASD mail list. This is a new group of families who have adopted children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effects who share together to cope with issues specific to their children's disabilities, like adoption subsidy, eligibility for services, working with the system, as well as strategies for helping their children thrive in their new families.

After you register with Yahoo Groups (one time process), you will be able to subscribe to the AdoptFASD mail list.

We hope this list will be helpful to all families who have adopted or are considering adoption of children with alcohol related disabilities.