My Anger

I’ve tried not to be angry, but I sure have been mad!
I think there is a difference.
Anger is something that is deep inside,
Mad is just all on the surface.

I get mad at the birth moms but know it’s much more,
It’s their parents and siblings
The life they had before.
I’m mad, but not angry, not at them.

I get mad at the system that can’t stop all this mess,
Of kids born in trouble
Kids born with FAS.
I’m mad, but not angry, not at them.

I get mad at other foster homes that won’t keep the kids,
They get moved and moved
And moved yet again.
I’m mad, but not angry, not at them.

I get mad at the kids with their brains that don’t function,
They learn something one day
And forget it the next.
I’m mad, but not angry, not at them.

I get mad that I get mad at the littlest things,
They do the best they can,
They just don’t know how.
I’m mad, but not angry, not even with me.

If I let myself go,
Face the anger inside,
I know where the anger should go,
Not with the kids, the foster parents, the system
Not with the birth parents
Not at all.

My anger is all toward that demon
that caused this trouble in the beginning,
The demon that caused it all.
You know his name

My anger seems wasted,
What is there to do?
No one seems to get it,
They don’t seem to care.
That all these babies are damaged
for life.

My anger doesn’t change how the kids function and think,
My anger doesn’t stop one single person,
They still take the next drink.
How can we stop the ALCOHOL?

by Carol Peavey, June 23, 2001
Grieving the Loss of the Dream