Videos and other visual materials


a.       “FAS/FAE, What’s the Difference?” (23 min., 1992), provides a candid overview of the physiological effects of FAS/FAE, as well as the behavioral problems that can arise. A mother, who abused alcohol during her pregnancy, speaks candidly about her guilt. A clinical psychologist discusses the permanent damage that alcohol can do, including learning disorders, speech and hearing problems, and damage to the CNS. Viewers will learn the differences and similarities between FAS/FAE, and the potential challenges and disabilities faced by these children. This is an excellent introduction to FAS/FAE and would be a good program for schools and the general public.

b.      “What is FAS?” (24 min., 1990), is designed for families, educators and health care professionals that examines the cause, treatment and prevention of alcohol-related birth defects. Highlights include interviews with mothers and families of F.A.S. children, and commentary from international experts.

c.      “Assessment and the Early Years” (21 min.) examines the role of diagnosis and assessment in caring for the FAS/FAE child. Pediatricians, psychologists, and educators discuss the special needs of children with FAS or FAE and offer strategies for working with them in the home, preschool and elementary school.

All of the above are available from: Altschul Group, 1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 100, Evanston, Illinois 60201. Tel. 1-800-323-9084 or 1-800-232-3263.

d.         Caring Together Available from: Native Physicians Association in Canada, 103- 1785 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa ON K1P 6L1.  Phone: (613) 521-6582 Fax: (613) 521-6259

e.      Helping Families - Helping Children  Available from: Yellowknife Association for Community Living, Box 981, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N7.  Phone: (403) 920-2644 Fax: (403) 920-2348

f.          What is FAS? (1989) Program 1 [See above]

g          Preventing FAS (1989) Program 2

h.         Living and Learning with FAS (1990) Program 3, Produced by BC FAS Resource Society Available from Image Media Services .  Phone: (604) 272-7797 Fax: 272-7798

i.      An Avoidable Tragedy , CBC Fifth Estate program (1993)

j.      What's wrong with my child? (26-minute video, 1990.)  This is a segment of the television program 20/20 that aired March 30, 1990. It includes interviews with Sterling Clarren, M.D.; and psychologist Ann Streissguth; Michael Dorris, author of the book The Broken Cord; and others. They present an interesting perspective from professionals who are very involved with FAS/FAE issues. Available from Coronet MTI Film and Video, 108 Wilmont Rd., Deerfield, Illinois 60015. Tel. 1-800-621-2131. A transcript is available from Journal Graphics.

k.      Worth the Trip, Fetal Alcohol Education Program. Boston, MA. 617-739-1424.

l.      One for my baby. (28-minute video, 1983) Available in Spanish or English. This video defines the dangers of maternal alcohol consumption for the unborn child through interviews with parents of children with FAS, physicians, and other health care workers. Although the production is old, the material is factual and especially useful to the Spanish-speaking audience.   AIMS Media, 9710 DeSoto Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4409. Tel.1-800-367-2467. FAX 1-816-341-6700.

m.      Alcohol and pregnancy: Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects. Chatsworth, CA: AIMS Media, 1992. (20-minute video.)  AIMS Media, 9710 DeSoto Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4409.   Tel. 1-800-367-2467. FAX 1-816-341-6700.

n.      FAS: EVERYBODY'S BABY.   Starring a young man with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Target audience: junior and senior high school students, but is educational and enjoyable for all ages.  Includes free glossy 8-1/2X11 color poster.  $25 includes shipping and handling.   Fasstar Enterprises: