Yesterday, in the car while travelling home with my two FASers from yet another therapy session, I had approached my limit of endurance. Their fighting, giggling and flopping around behind me while I try to drive the highways had almost done me in. I stopped the car to get them both to calm down and told them that I wanted each one to write me a letter telling me why they were sorry. I was forceful and intimidating and really a royal B*** but they calmed down. After we arrived home, they handed me their notes. From my 9 year old son: "Dear Mom, I love you so much I feel like I will kis you when we get home and I am not kidding with you. By, Chris" From my 8 year old daughter: "Dear Mom, Sometime I fell 6 sick. But when you make me fell better by giving me tea. Sometimes when I fell crazy you sent me to my room to make me colme down and it relly works. When I bump my head you fix it by puting ice on it. When my battery runs out my mom always put more in. And you buy me a belt, so my pance don't fall down. Thank you Mom." My heart just runs over for these two kids!