Growing Together In Faith

by Keith Ham


GIFT Story Overview

The actual presentation can be created by you, or is available upon request.

Theme: Where is God?
Recurring weekly symbol: Flame, representing the presence of God

A. The Beginning Stories
Week 1. Creation
Week 2. Fall and Promise

B. The Abraham Stories
Week 1. Promise to Abraham
Week 2. Sacrificing Isaac
Week 3. Jacob’s son Joseph goes to Egypt

C. The Moses Stories
Week 1. Baby Moses
Week 2. Passover
Week 3. Red Sea
Week 4. Law - Sinai
Week 5. Tabernacle - Wandering - Spies

D. The Land
Week 1. Joshua and Jerico (God’s way)
Week 2. David and Goliath
Week 3. Solomon and the Temple
Week 4. Elijah and Bad Kings
Week 5. Exile and the Promise

E. Jesus
Week 1: John the Baptist
Week 2. Nativity
Week 3. Baptism and Temptation
Week 4. Inaugural Address
Week 5. Teaching - Blessing children
Week 6. Teaching - The Good Shepherd
Week 7. Feeding 5000
Week 8. Last Days (Maundy Thursday)
Week 9. Crucifixion and Resurrection

G. The Church
Week 1. Pentecost
Week 2. Conversion of Paul
Week 3. Peter and Cornelius
Week 4. Romans 8

H. The End and The Beginning
Week 1. Revelation 21: New Heaven and New Earth, Marriage Banquet