FAS Community Resource Center
Internet Web Site Report
March 2003

In the past four weeks, 45,424 web users visited the FAS Community Resource Center pages, resulting in 817,923 hits. There were over 2,000 visitors on March 4th. The three leading search engines (google, yahoo, and msn) have directed over 25,000 web users to FAS information sites maintained by Teresa Kellerman. (1)

Peaks in Internet activity during the middle of school terms indicate increased use by students and teachers. (2) Students include those in junior/senior high, college and university students, and those working on their masters and doctorates. (4)

Besides students and teachers, visitors include parents, social workers, nurses, doctors, and other professionals seeking information on FASD issues. (3) Many of these individuals have written letters of gratitude (20 letters in about 6 months). (4)

The most popular articles are those about FAS characteristics, FAS and the brain, FAS meds, homeschooling, and an article about Crack Babies. (5)

There were 15 updates or additions made in the past four week period.

On the web site of the FAS Community Resource Center, there are 692 linked pages onsite (does not include links to outside web sites) related directly to FASD issues. (6)

There are 164 articles written by Teresa Kellerman about FASD issues, both intervention and prevention. In addition to these, there are various non-article items such as an online quiz, an online simulation of FASD disabilities, an online store for FAS books, posters, handouts, brochures, guidelines for FAS Awareness Day, a guestbook, a collection of news reports and research abstracts, a collection of FASD resources, conference reports, collection of parents’ poems, a collection of families’ stories, and several photo galleries.

Articles and information on this web site have been reprinted in newsletters such as FAS Times and the Iceberg, and have been utilized by numerous agencies and organizations, including the FAS Center for Excellence, March of Dimes, SAMHSA, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (7, 8, 9, 10)

Dr. Ed Riley, FAS researcher from San Diego State University and Chair of the SAMHSA FAS Center for Excellence, has stated that this is the most comprehensive FAS web site on the Internet.

1. Server Log File for come-over.to maintained by Prohosting (44k)

2. Web Tracking Log for main entry web page maintained by Extreme Tracking

3. FAS Guestbook Logs

4. Letters of Appreciation from visitors to the FAS-CRC web pages (38k)

5. Server Log File for come-over.to maintained by Prohosting (44k)

6. Index of FAS files currently located on come-over.to web domain

7. Letters seeking permission to use articles and information

8. CDC Communication Tips

9. FAS Center for Excellence FASD Fast Facts

10. SAMHSA prevention materials

FAS Community Resource Center