ABCD Steps to Effective Planning for FASD
© 2003 Teresa Kellerman
Assess the Situation:
Assess the abilities and deficits of the affected individual
IQ test: Woodcock Johnson shows multiple subscores in areas of processing
OT test for Sensory Integration Disorder
Speech Pathologist test for Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales shows functional ability far below IQ
Mental Health assessment for possible co-occurring disorders
Identify talents and gifts as well as areas of deficit
Assess the family
Parent version of the Vineland test will reveal concerns about family issues
Recognize that parenting skills are usually better than what behavior might reflect
Document alcohol exposure during pregnancy for diagnostic purposes
Validate family’s wisdom, creative problem solving, protectiveness
Assess the services currently provided
Reasonable expectations that match the assessed level of function
Provide safe environment 24/7
Level of information on FASD and understanding by all involved persons
Be Aware of Concerns:
Individual’s wants, needs, fears, level of acceptance
Social/sexual vulnerability, stunted social development of individual
Family’s stress factors, source of respite, ability to provide supervision, acceptance
School’s ability to provide appropriate education in safe environment by trained staff
Medical providers’ ability to prescribe appropriate treatment
Social service systems’ ability to provide comprehensive plan of care
Complex array of factors that impact ability to succeed (diet, trauma, meds, environment)
Coordinate Resources:
Eligibility for DD services, SSI, Mental Health services
Eligibility for special education, IEP (Other Health Impaired)
Health/Wellness court (drug court, family court, alternate treatment program)
Availability of local support groups, or peer contact information
Apply DSM-IV Code # 760.71 for FAS, FAE when alcohol exposure is documented
Apply DSM-IV Code # 348.3 for static encephalopathy (unchanging brain damage)
Community groups, such as church, YMCA, tribal elders
Coordinate team for Person Centered Plan
Disseminate Information:
Educate the individual about FASD disability issues, encourage acceptance
Educate the family about FASD disability issues, encourage acceptance
Educate all professionals and service providers about FASD issues
Online articles, books, brochures, handouts:
Online support mail lists for all parties:
Workshops and presentations: or